VMware SD WAN (Velocloud) on prem lab guide

For the purpose of lab playground and explore on different features from VMware SD WAN (ex Velocloud) solution, it's possible to relatively easy deploy required solutions inside demo environments. Full on prem production infrastructure requires use of VMware professional services for proper deployment and installation, with cloud based as most preferred option by vendor itself. Setup requires a couple of OVA files for deployment, like in typical VMware environments: - vCO - orchestrator, for the purpose of configuration and management plane, - vCG - gateway, for the purpose of control plane function, - vCE - edge, data plane establishment and possibly the only hardware piece in SD WAN setup (also available as OVA of course). Successful setup comprises next steps: 1) classic OVA deployment of vCO and vCG components - vCO/vCG. For vCO and vCG you have option to dedicate 1 or 2 interfaces for the purpose of communication with external/in...